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Fantech Atom Pro 96: User' Honest Review of Pros and Cons

23 January 2025
The Fantech Atom Pro 96 keyboard is my first keyboard that made me fall in love with the world of mechanical keyboards. However, I have a few complaints that I will share in this post, based on my experience using this keyboard for a few days.

Evolusi Komunikasi: Dari Lukisan Gua ke Smartphone

17 January 2025
Jauh sebelum adanya bahasa tulis atau alat canggih, manusia mengandalkan bentuk komunikasi dasar untuk menyampaikan pemikiran, pengalaman, dan emosi. Salah satu bentuk paling awal adalah lukisan gua yang berasal dari sekitar tahun 30.000 SM. Karya seni ini, yang ditemukan di tempat-tempat seperti Lascaux, Prancis, menggambarkan adegan kehidupan sehari-hari, perburuan, dan kepercayaan spiritual.

The Evolution of Communication: From Cave Paintings to Smartphones

17 January 2025
Long before written language or advanced tools, humans relied on basic forms of communication to convey thoughts, experiences, and emotions.
One of the earliest forms was cave paintings, which date back to around 30,000 BC. These artworks, discovered in places like Lascaux, France,
depict scenes of daily life, hunting, and spiritual beliefs.